Chrissy Teigen Lost Her Child, and You Were an Asshole

Miranda Lopez
5 min readOct 5, 2020
Chrissy Teigen | Twitter

If you keep up-to-date with the media and the social scene at all you more than likely have heard the awful news. After rushing to the hospital earlier in the week, last week, Chrissy Teigen and husband John Legend announced every parents’ worst nightmare. On Wednesday night, they had lost their third child.

And just in case you missed that, I’m going to repeat that for you.

They lost their fucking child.

The worst heartbreak that you could ever have to endure is the heartbreak of losing your child. This was a tragedy that Chrissy Teigen had to face, and yet she shared this most vulnerable moment with us.

As I’m sure you’re highly aware of, this is a horrible event that millions of women have to face every day. In sharing this horrific moment, Chrissy was able to connect with the millions of women who go through the same thing every single day.

By sharing this, it offered something for those women to remember that they weren’t alone. Not only were they not alone, but they also didn’t have to go through it alone.

The thing is, she should have been showered with love, positivity, and condolences in this devastating time for her. She should have shown the support that any average person would in response to hearing news like this.

Instead, she got comments throughout the week that said things like:

  • You don’t need to share everything in the world
  • Hmm. I don’t like you but sorry for your loss
  • You just lost your child, why are you on the phone?
  • You support abortion. It’s only fair.

And wow. That is ridiculous.

In the age of social media, I can bet that you follow a celebrity or two or many more. You like them, you want to see them on your timeline, and that’s great.

But then, there are times that celebrities that you don’t follow or necessarily like pop up on your feed. These people have millions upon millions of followers. It only makes sense that they would at some point.

Whether you like them or not, for some reason there’s always a reason to critique them, and I mean, always.

What they wear, what they say, their life choices, their politics, every step they take is documented and aired for the world to see and freely critique without repercussions. We critique their every move and then defend it by saying, “well, they signed up for it”.

And every time it confuses the hell out of me. So, just to clarify this absurd way of thinking:

Because they are viciously followed, have a significant amount of money based on what they do for a living, and, are breathing, they deserve to be brutally abused? Sorry, but I can’t get down with that, and here’s why:

You’re picking and choosing who deserves sympathy

There are ways we treat people in this world. We give them respect, the benefit of the doubt, and overall the goal is to try and be kind to one another. There are some Karens out there that didn’t get the memo, but normally this is how it works.

Unless you’re famous or have any kind of social following at all. That’s when the rules don’t apply to you and you get ridiculed for existing. This is how it goes:

Normal people

If a “normal” person had announced a tragedy like this on Facebook, you would do nothing but offer them your condolences, you would ask if there was anything you could do for them, you would send them every bit of your love, maybe even a fruit basket.

If a “normal” person announced an exciting event in their lives, you would praise them, you would offer your best wishes, you would jump in excitement with them.

If a “normal” person mentioned their view on politics, you would do one of two things. Agree with them if that was the case, or you would shut the hell up and move along.


Degrade. More Degrade. And even more degrade.

Celebrities usually don’t make the cut

A girl I went to high school with had a very hard time starting a family. Her body just couldn’t handle it.

She would get pregnant only to lose them and if they did get past 12 weeks, the babies would make their way into the world at 20-something weeks only to take a few breaths before they would pass.

Having 3 perfectly healthy children of my own, I can’t even imagine how awful that had to be, each time. Despite knowing how it would always turn out, she kept having babies.

Not only did she continue having babies, but she also kept posting about it. And every time, she got an outpour of love and support from everyone, and even people she hardly knew, like me.

Chrissy lost one child, and although she did get an outpour of support, she also got an equal amount of criticism. Which is not something that she should have received at all.

Chrissy isn’t the only one, either.

The Kardashians can say hi, and you all will go face first in degrading them for anything you can get your hands on. There’s almost always an actual throwdown under any social media post from them.

Paris Hilton made a documentary about the abuse she endured and how it’s the reason she is the way she is. No one wasted any time in finding things to throw back into her face and start victim-blaming.

Miley Cyrus got a divorce and no one had any problem reminding her of her past and proclaiming that’s why her husband left her.


I think I’ve made my point pretty clear throughout this entire post. I firmly believe in sending nothing but love and support to those around us. So, my question is why?

What is with this hate fest you all have towards these people you don’t even know? There has to be an actual reason that you hate them, a reason that you need to torture them, a reason that you care that much to ridicule them, to begin with.

I’ve tried to think of any reasons possible for why you feel like you need to, and I can’t come up with anything. To me, it’s nothing but disgusting to treat them the way that you do.

Come on, didn’t your mama ever tell you that if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all? Because I’ve got some news for you.

We’re all human

I can guarantee that you aren’t perfect. I bet you’ve made some big mistakes, and said things you shouldn’t have. I’m sure that there was a tragedy that you had to announce on social media to inform friends and family only to receive love in return.

So what makes you so special to tear these people down? They are human. Just like you, and they deserve the same love and respect that you would give anyone else.

There is a way that we treat each other in this world, and this is not it. This is the opposite of it. Instead, it’s a disgrace to the human race and you should be ashamed.

Last week Chrissy Teigen lost her child, and you were a fucking asshole.

